Weed Removal

Weed Removal

Weeds are unhealthy for your lawn’s proper growth. When they grow in your yard or garden, they soak up most of the nutrients that your grass is supposed to have. This will then cause your grass to lose the nutrients it needs, turning your lawn brown and weak.

Weed Removal

If a weed is strong enough, it can cause a complete depletion of the soil, nutrients, and moisture that would be otherwise available to your lawn. Our professional weed removal and landscaping services will make sure that your lawn is weed-free. Contact Hans Rudy Landscaping & Lawn Maintenance at (845) 551-2342 today for more information.

At Hans Rudy Landscaping & Lawn Maintenance, we want to help you maintain your lawn’s health by providing diligent weeding services. With our acclaimed lawn care and weed removal services in the Middletown, NY area, we ensure unwanted weeds and destructive parasites overpower your plants and garden.

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